They say you can have more children. That once you have CPP, you only have around a 4% chance more of having it than someone who has never had it. Not bad odds. At first, it seems like you will never want to, having just been traumatized by the amusement park that is complete placenta previa. Along the way I've joined message boards, and just relayed my story to other moms going through it. I think it's important to share what you know. Whether it's the facts or the feelings.
And now, 4 years later......

Baloney gets to be a big sister. She still gets to have her very own crazy story, because......
this placenta, this time..... is high on the left back wall.
what a great story :) thanks for sharing! i am sure she'll be a great sister.
i <3 you, baloney, christmas tree, and the rest of the crew! and it was cool to read this from your point of view, as i always enjoy your spin on things : ) i'm sorry you had to go through what you did, but i'm so happy that baloney came out all healthy and cute and spunky! : )
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