Sunday, January 03, 2010

bah humbugizzle

I realized in all my christmas craftiness, that I took no pictures. No pictures of my photobooks, no pictures of my aprons, dishtowels, pot holders, mossy oak and flannel rag quilts, strawberries,chocolate and pink minky "abby" quilt, nothing. I spent my days busy with my all star girlies in softball and soccer. And my 3 year old, who will tell you "it's all about me." Hilarious and inappropriate.

My camera died, and now I have a new one. One for new pics, new stories and 365 days of pictures. Which I've posted on my other blog, the original. I'm just going to put a pic I take each day on there.

And now, I need to go watch MADE on mtv. Because that's how I keep my youth.

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